Peer Review

Semua naskah yang dikirimkan dibaca oleh staf editorial. Proses review menggunakan sistem double blind review. Naskah yang dievaluasi oleh editor karena tidak sesuai dengan kriteria jurnal akan segera ditolak tanpa tinjauan eksternal. Naskah yang dinilai berpotensi menarik minat pembaca kami akan dikirim ke pengulas. Redaksi kemudian mengambil keputusan berdasarkan rekomendasi reviewer dari beberapa kemungkinan: ditolak, memerlukan revisi besar, perlu revisi kecil, atau diterima.

Proses Peninjauan:

  1. Reviewer akan meninjau setiap makalah yang dikirimkan.
  2. Proses review menggunakan review double-blind, yang berarti identitas reviewer dan penulis dirahasiakan dari reviewer, dan sebaliknya.
  3. Dalam proses review, reviewer mempertimbangkan kesesuaian judul, abstrak, pembahasan (temuan) dan kesimpulan. Selain itu, reviewer juga mengkaji kebaruan, dampak ilmiah, dan referensi yang digunakan dalam makalah.
  4. Durasi proses review bisa sampai 6 bulan.


All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. The review process uses a double blind review system. Manuscripts evaluated by the editor as not meeting the journal's criteria will be immediately rejected without external review. Manuscripts that are deemed to potentially interest our readers will be sent to reviewers. The editorial team then makes a decision based on the reviewer's recommendations from several possibilities: rejected, requiring major revisions, requiring minor revisions, or accepted.


Review Process:

  1. Reviewers will review each submitted paper.
  2. The review process uses a double-blind review, which means that the identities of the reviewer and author are kept secret from the reviewer, and vice versa.
  3. In the review process, the reviewer considers the suitability of the title, abstract, discussion (findings) and conclusions. Apart from that, reviewers also examine the novelty, scientific impact, and references used in the paper.
  4. The duration of the review process can be up to 6 months.