Refleksi Penelitian Kuantitatif Mitos Hipotesis Nol (Ho) harus ditolak


  • Jim Hoy Yam Pascasarjana UNIS


The Essence of this article is to expose an explanation regarding the understanding and views of academics on null hypothesis testing. The Research method used is literature review method which is sourcing from various reviews of journal articles and books. Referring to the reviews result, the finding is that in the field of academic research there are 2 main views, namely the group of researchers who support Ho must absolutely be rejected and other parties who state that rejection or acceptance of Ho can occur because the nature of research is an experimental or speculative activity; so it can be understood that research results cannot be confirmed, they can only be speculated in the sense that rejecting Ho is not a necessity. In fact, rejecting Ho becomes a motivation for updating and developing theories or postulates. The final conclusion that can be drawn is that Ho's rejection in research is not absolute; particularly there are development of various research methods and practical variables that have not been exist in theory. So, the myth of Ho must be rejected needs to be re-examined for the sake of developing science within the scope of theory and postulates.


Keywords: Hypothesis, Research, Quantitative, Academic





