of Business Education and Social2024-12-15T15:15:27+07:00Dr. Estu Niana Syamiya, S.E., Journal Systems<p>Student online journal of Journal of Business Education and Social (JBES) is a scientific publication media of students from the results of research conducted by students both individually or in groups. This scientific journal was published by Departement of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training, University of Islamic Syekh-Yusuf since January 2020 with a frequency of 2 times in a year, namely every March and October. This scientific journal contains articles from the results of field research, research literature, or book reviews. The scope of studies that can be published in this journal are the fields of education, economics, business, and other social sciences. Every article that is entered will be selected and will be published if the article meets the criteria set by the journal manager. The author should first read the writing guidelines and use teplate that has been provided and can be downloaded on the pages of this journal.</p> HARGA POKOK PRODUK SAMPINGAN HOME INDUSTRY PRODUKSI TEMPE DAERAH KEDUNG DALEM2024-12-15T14:59:39+07:00Aniek Nuril kamilahghinanuril88@gmail.comIlha Hafilda fatihahafildafatihailha@gmail.comKhairurrahmi<p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang perhitungan harga pokok produk sampingan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman lebih dalam mengenai konsep, metode dan implikasi penghitungan harga pokok produk sampingan. Melalui observasi dan wawancara, Home Industri Produksi Tempe berlokasi di kawasan Kedung Dalem Kec. Mauk, Kab. Tangerang, penelitian ini akan memberikan gambaran bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengelola biaya produksi produk sampingan secara efisien, menentukan harga jual yang tepat, dan mengoptimalkan kontribusi produk sampingan terhadap keuntungan perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai produk utama dan produk samping. Perhitungan ini berarti biasanya hasil samping tersebut digunakan kembali untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sendiri, hasil samping tersebut tidak dijual ke pasar. Nilai produk sampingan ini merupakan nilai pasar yang berlaku. Industri Rumah Tangga Memproduksi tempe sebagai produk utama dan menghasilkan ampas tempe yang dijual kepada peternak sapi sebagai produk samping. Dalam satu bulan dihasilkan 6.480 produk tempe per bulan dan hasil samping ampas tempe sebanyak 30 karung per bulan.<br><br></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social PRODUK BERSAMA PABRIK TAHU HARAPAN JAYA INDAH TELUKNAGA2024-12-15T15:02:13+07:00amilia pusparantiamiliapuspa1812@gmail.comnadia<p>This study aims to examine the calculation of joint products in relation to tofu making at Harapan Jaya Indah tofu factory based in Teluknaga. The researcher collected information regarding the calculation of shared products, the calculation of shared product allocation, and the calculation of average production by using the research method of interviews and literature studies. Based on the calculation results, the tofu factory in Harapan Jaya Indah obtained a net profit of Rp. 38,991,650 for the shared product price, or an average of 330/3110. The findings of this study help clarify the importance of estimating co-product yields appropriately, comprehensively, and successfully in an effort to maintain the financial viability of the company.</p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social PERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU PRODUKSI FURNITURE PADA PT. MITRA GRAHA SELARAS (MGS) CIPONDOH KOTA TANGERANG2024-12-15T15:04:27+07:00Ghina Nuril<p><em>Raw material inventory is unprocessed basic material provided by the company for later use in the company's production process. Raw materials are important in production companies. The aim of controlling raw material inventory is to reduce operational costs to a minimum so that company performance and profits are more optimal. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative where the research method is used to examine the natural conditions of objects. Data collection methods use observation, interviews and literature studies. PT. Mitra Graha Selaras uses pencil wood and meranti as raw materials, for the use of wood raw materials production in a day is around 3</em> <em> a month 72</em> <em> and one year 864</em> <em> and the method for calculating inventory is fifo.</em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social PRODUKSI DAN PEMASARAN SANDAL GUNUNG LOKAL TRIGLAV YANG ADA DI DESA BATU NUNGGUL2024-12-15T15:06:09+07:00Cindy Putri wati<p>TRIGLAV a form of micro small medium enterprises (MSMEs) the ability and quality of Triglav <br>Mountain sandals has sufficient potential to be raised to become a national scale product that <br>does not leave its local wisdom. The purpose of this observation is first to find out related to capital <br>data, raw materials, labor, marketing, technology and transportation to the trigrav home industry. <br>In the process of observation activities, the team implemented this activity with primary data <br>obtained through interviews and field observations. This observation shows that the variables that <br>influence consumers to buy triglav mountain sandals through the shape of sandals, more varied <br>sandal colors and motifs, comfortable and durable designs, the quality of the materials used, the <br>availability of various sizes, and economical prices. The marketing strategy is to distribute <br>products through distributors and sell them in stores and online platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, <br>and Tokopedia. This observation has an impact on knowing how the production and marketing <br>strategies of local triglav mountain sandals in Batu Nunggul village.</p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social STRUKTUR ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA PT KRUGER VENTILATION INDONESIA2024-12-15T15:09:17+07:00Andhika Hemas Putra Hafilda<p><em>Achieving predetermined organizational goals is largely determined by human performance factors and existing systems, so it is necessary to establish an organizational structure with a clear division of work. The phenomenon that occurs in carrying out work activities is that not all employees are usually aware of the importance of their roles and responsibilities towards the organization. From the description of the background to the problem above, the author will analyze whether there is an influence of the organizational structure at PT Kruger Ventilation Indonesia on employee performance. The research method used is qualitative where the researcher conducted an interview with one of the heads of production and looked for sources through books, articles and journals. This research aims to determine the influence of Organizational Structure variables on Employee Performance and the conclusion of this research is that the application of job specialization, Departmentalization, Chain of Command, Span of Control, Centralization/Decentralization and Formalization, in organizational structure has a strong influence on PT Kruger Ventilation Employee Performance Indonesia.</em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social PRODUKSI DAN PEMASARAN PT. SUMBER BINTANG REJEKI TANGERANG2024-12-15T15:11:55+07:00Amilia<p>To develop new ideas and make improvements, operational management is required. As industries evolve along with the times, businesses must provide the highest quality goods or services while keeping in mind the impact of their operations on the environment. The purpose of this observation activity is to find out how factory management starts from producing goods, coordinating production goods, and human resources. In general, the materials obtained are materials that are needed in this observation activity. This observation has an impact on knowing how the production and marketing processes of PT Sumber Bintang Rejeki (Sumbiri).</p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social MODEL PEMBELAJARAN THINK PAIR AND SHARE (TPS) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS X DI MAN 1 KOTA TANGERANG2024-12-15T15:13:46+07:00Ambuy Niana Oktaviayantiviollao15@gmail.com2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL TERHADAP KEPUASAN PEGAWAI2024-12-15T15:15:27+07:00Moch. Panji Muharamdery.rezky12@gmail.comDeri<p align="justify">This study aims to examine the predictive relationship between transformational leadership style (TLS) and employee satisfaction (ES). Research method with descriptive analysis and verification methods, type of explantory survey research with quantitative approach. The research was conducted on the scope of education of Madrasah Aliyah School, in Sukabumi. The research sample of 32 teachers was selected using purposive sampling techniques. The EViews v12 program is used to analyze quantitative data. Research findings. ES can be explained and predicted by changes in TLS behavior, where the nature of the relationship is unidirectional. There is a predictive relationship between TLS and ES. TLS makes a positive contribution in influencing ES.. The behavior and leadership style, of the principal and chairman of the foundation will certainly affect the work behavior and satisfaction of teachers and other staff. Leadership describes the relationship process that influences employee actions, the choice of goals for a group or organization, and the dynamic interaction between superiors and employees that affect employee satisfaction. However, demographically, especially transformational leadership styles related to gender, differences in leadership styles by men or women related to employee satisfaction in a particular organization can be identified and exported in depth and this is interesting for future research.</p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Business Education and Social