Health is the basic capital in human life, because man is not healthy both physically and psychologically, it can not affect in his life. The pursuit of a healthy life requires a process, and to ensure that process and the juridical purpose of its attainment can be both physical and spiritual. The world of health today is one of the most complex and dynamic, characterized by various social phenomena that cause the development of health, ranging from resources, services, facilities and infrastructure to the law and health that become a chain link that can not be ignored. Identical law with health issues. Identical to humans and to reach humans requires justice as an indicator. Achieving health status through adequate service is the right of every human being, so everyone has the right to fair and equitable health services, because of the things necessary for the care necessary for treatment and treatment. Good and fair health is very fulfilling today's society. Something that is emerging in the field of health today is more obvious to the people who are associated with healthy living needs, the efforts to meet those needs are maximized achievement, the consequences of life that want to stay healthy for those who achieve it, in addition to the system of capitalism, the product of the law is unclear and directed bringing legal uncertainty and making the society unlawfully protected, besides the doctors and paramedics unfair to the various products of invisible legislation to find the quiet comfort of his profession as overwhelmed by the shadow- the shadow of professional selflessness due to unclear and definite legal products, creating interpretations among professionals and societies in interpreting them.
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