PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Nirna Nirmala, S.Pd., M.Pd. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>PRIMACY&nbsp;</strong>Journal of English Education and Literacy is a brand-new journal published in Indonesia by English Language Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syekh-Yusuf Islamic University (PBI FKIP UNIS). This peer-reviewed journal is published twice a year: June and December. The scopes of the journal include English Language Teaching and Learning (ELT), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English Language Literacy, English Literature, and other related scopes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> The Incorporation of Emotional Intelligence Education in English Textbooks for 12th Grade High School Students: A Content Analysis 2024-08-06T21:53:23+07:00 Priskila Go Neni Nurkhamidah <p>In recent years, due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), emotional intelligence (EI) has become increasingly valuable as its uniquely human qualities cannot be replicated by machines (Beck &amp; Libert, 2017). As an impact of this phenomenon, EI has also become a topic that is acknowledged as important in the educational landscape, including Indonesia’s. This is mandated by the current Indonesian curriculum, namely Kurikulum Merdeka (Merdeka Belajar Curriculum). The purpose of this study is to discuss the ways in which EI skills are taught in the English textbook used by 12th graders in Indonesian public high schools. This study adapted the content analysis method used by Babaei &amp; Abdi (2014), which used Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Checklist to observe the emotional intelligence components in the dialogues, reading texts, and exercises in the textbook. The result of the study shows that 46.6% of the examined dialogues, 78.6% of the examined reading texts, and 40.9% of the examined exercise elements contain various EI components, including those required by the curriculum regulations. They are included in the content in the form of character dialogue and description, advice, questions or discussion and project activities.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy Collaboration Skills in Seventh Grade English Textbooks: An Analysis Using the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework 2024-08-06T21:55:29+07:00 Tary Arshabilla Neni Nurkhamidah <p>This study aims to determine the integration of collaboration skills in the seventh grade English textbook "English for Nusantara," published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, using the Cambridge Life Competency Framework. Through qualitative content analysis, the research assesses the textbook's integration of skills such as active contribution, role-taking, respectful listening, mutual support, and organizational abilities. Each lesson unit was meticulously examined and coded according to the Cambridge Framework. Findings reveal a varied distribution of collaboration skills across chapters, reflecting alignment with the <em>Merdeka Belajar</em> Curriculum. The study concludes that the textbook effectively embeds these collaboration skills, preparing students for teamwork, task management, and collective problem-solving, thus promoting essential 21st-century competencies. These skills are crucial for students' future academic and professional success. The research highlights the importance of well-structured educational materials in developing collaborative abilities. This strategic approach ensures students are equipped with the necessary tools to thrive in a collaborative environment.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy STUDENT INSIGHTS ON ENGLISH TEACHING STYLES: A KURIKULUM MERDEKA APPROACH 2024-10-23T14:47:36+07:00 Fitriani Fitriani <p>This study investigates the alignment between students' perceptions of their lecturers' teaching styles and their expectations in English language education under Indonesia’s Kurikulum Merdeka. Using a quantitative research design, data was collected from 200 undergraduate students through two instruments: the Teaching Style Perception Scale (TSPS) and the Student Expectations Scale (SES). The results reveal strong alignment in student-centered and inquiry-based learning areas, where students valued active participation and critical inquiry. Lecturers were perceived as knowledgeable facilitators, with the Expert (mean: 4.2) and Facilitator (mean: 4.1) dimensions receiving the highest scores. However, a mismatch was identified between students' expectations for less control and autonomy and their perception of lecturers' adherence to more traditional, teacher-centered methods, particularly in the Formal Authority dimension (mean: 3.8). A significant correlation (r = 0.72, p &lt; 0.01) was found between students’ perceptions of facilitators and their expectations for student-centered learning. These findings highlight the need for further adaptation toward inquiry-based and collaborative learning approaches to meet students’ evolving preferences better. The study underscores the relevance of Kurikulum Merdeka in fostering a more dynamic, student-driven learning environment while encouraging lecturers to reduce reliance on formal authority and increase opportunities for independent learning</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy Character Development and Morality: In-Depth Analysis of the Animated Film “Encanto” 2024-10-28T13:36:34+07:00 Felicia Pertiwi Gunawan Neni Nurkhamidah <p>In this paper, the concept of analyzing film is directed in order to know the character development progress and morality of the story. Analyzing film can enhanced the knowledge given implicitly in the film’s story and the morality behind it. The film analyzed here is “Encanto”. The approach of “Encanto” was simply an attempt to go further into learning about the character’s hidden conception. Each character in the story were highlighted due to the interest of acknowledging every character’s development throughout the storyline and what kind morality represents each of them. The results over the character’s development are divided into the form of themes, such as Acceptance, Self-Worth, and Resilience. From these results, the research can be converted into a conclusion of which themes that’s dominantly relevant throughout the story and the rest of the plot. The highlight will also mention the result of which category of characteristics is the most appealing and what is the overall morality tale of “Encanto” as an animated film.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy EFFECTIVENESS OF STORYTELLING METHOD IN STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY 2024-11-23T22:36:39+07:00 Shella Fitri Ramadhani Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay Tien Rafida <p>The purpose of this research was motivated by the difficulty of students in speaking. The method used in this research is a quasi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test research design. The population of this study were eighth grade students of SMP Karyawan Turangie Langkat with sample of 27 students of class VIIIA as the experimental class and class VIIIB with 27 students as the control class. The data obtained were analyzed using normality test using Shapiro-Wilk, homogeneity test, and t-test using Independent Sample T-test using SPSS version 22 software application. The results showed there is an effect of storytelling method in speaking ability at eighth grade of SMP Karyawan Turangie Langkat, it is because the mean score in the experimental class increased significantly from 30,67 to 40,59. Meanwhile, in the control class the average value obtained also increased although not significantly from 25,19 to 28,89, and the value of Sig. 2 tailed that calculated in finding section showed 0.000 lower than alpha score 0.050 (0.000 &lt;0.005), which means the Null Hypothesis (H<sub>0</sub>) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H<sub>a</sub>) is accepted.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy ENGLISH READING INTEREST ANALYSIS ON GENSHIN IMPACT GAME STORYLINE 2023-07-16T22:55:46+07:00 Fajar Ratna Duhita Kayla Maghfi Syahbana Muhammad Akbar Subagyo Pramesti Dewi Sekar Melati Nirna Nirmala Syifa Fadhilah Hamid <p>This research intends to analyze the reading interest of Genshin Impact game players. This research aims to make people more interested in increasing their interest in reading. Because, interest in reading in Indonesia is very low, according to UNESCO data, there is only 0.001% interest in reading in Indonesia. This is certainly a big concern for researchers. Researchers took this case for a study because researchers also want to prove how many online game players have increased their interest in reading because of playing online games, one of which is the Genshin Impact game. Based on the research, the respondents fully believe that they get a lot of positive impacts from playing the Genshin Impact game; get new vocabulary, get lessons from the Genshin Impact storyline, know how to pronounce words correctly from the style of speech to the accent uttered by a Genshin Impact game character. The respondents also admitted that not only did they have fun playing the game, but they also got very good learning.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy STUDENTS’ AWARENESS TOWARD 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 2024-12-24T16:14:53+07:00 Khilda Shopia Sarah Aslamiyah Isnaniah Syifa Fadhilah Hamid Purnawati Muhamad Rizky Fadhil <p>Understanding 21st-century abilities is essential for students to succeed in the quickly changing digital and information age. These abilities, which are divided into learning, literacy, and life skills categories, include vital proficiencies including critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, communication, information literacy, and flexibility. In order to successfully handle societal difficulties, this study looks at how well students comprehend and apply these abilities. The results show that although students show a moderate level of knowledge regarding digital literacy and teamwork, deficiencies in critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership abilities still exist. The design of the curriculum, teacher participation, and availability of digital tools are some of the factors that affect awareness. Incorporating 21st-century skills into teaching methods through competency-based assessments, technological integration, and experiential learning is necessary to raise awareness. Thus, it can emphasize how critical it is to develop these abilities in order to equip pupils for both societal and lifetime learning.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy