Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik
<p>JIMTEK merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan secara berkala, bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi di bidang teknik. Bidang teknik meliputi Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Informatika/ Sistem Informasi, Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Lingkungan. Dalam satu tahun JIMTEK terbit sebanyak dua kali, yakni pada bulan Mei dan November . JIMTEK diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang. Jurnal ini menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia</p>Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerangen-USJurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik2798-0669Analisis Jenis Kerusakan Perkerasan Lentur (Flexible Pavement) Pada Ruas Jalan Raya Pasar Kemis. Kecamatan Pasar Kemis. Kabupaten Tangerang Banten
<p><em>The road is intended for general traffic. Basically, the implementation of public roads is required to ensure that roads can be used as much as possible for the prosperity of the people, especially to increase national economic growth, for example on the Pasar Kemis highway, Tangerang Regency with a length of 4.86 km. As for some of the damage factors on the highway, namely: cracks, aggregate thirst, holes, and waves with varying degrees of damage for the most dominant, namely the level of damage there are 3 types of damage such as waves 53.7%, holes 48.3% and loose aggregate 30 ,6% of the calculation and summation. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of road damage on flexible pavement, the factors causing damage to traffic volume loads, rainfall and drainage systems to the value of damage to highways. In this study using quantitative methods and qualitative methods where numerical data from observations and calculations in the field will be analyzed by statistical methods.</em></p>Muhammad FadillahKhamaludin KhamaludinHafiz Abdillah
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2024-11-302024-11-304210511310.33592/jimtek.v4i2.7166Analisis Struktur Gedung Bertingkat Dengan Menggunakan Metode Statik Ekuivalen dan Dinamik Time History (Studi Kasus: Gedung Telecommunication Telkomsel Center Makasar 2 Sulawesi Selatan)
<p>Indonesia is a country prone to earthquakes. The high earthquake-prone level is due to the meeting of the plates. The occurrence of this earthquake has proven that there are still many buildings, especially building structures that suffer light to heavy damage and even collapse. This study was conducted to analyze the differences in loading on the building structure using the equivalent static method and dynamic time history at the Telecommunication Telkomsel Center (TTC) building in Makassar 2, South Sulawesi. This study is intended to determine the safety of an earthquake-resistant building structure using the ETABS V.16 program. Classification of moderate soil sites and using concrete quality used fc' = 35 MPa based on SNI 1726 2019. The results show that the calculation of earthquake loading that occurs in building structures using equivalent static analysis is considered accurate because it produces earthquake loading that is close to the results of dynamic analysis calculations. time history. The results of calculations and loading carried out are obtained that the building structure is more stable due to the value of _max. = 0.003991221 0.090909091 building stability due to earthquake direction X and 0.00547442 0.090909091 building stability due to earthquake Y direction so the value of is smaller or does not exceed the value of max in accordance with the provisions of SNI 1726-2019</p> <p> </p>Beta Sabar DaeliAbdul BasidDine Agustine
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2024-11-302024-11-304211413110.33592/jimtek.v4i2.7167Pengaruh Perawatan Pencegahan frekwensi gerinda Top Roller terhadap ketidakrataan sliver kapas 100 % Drawing Breaker pada pabrik pemintalan benang
<p><em>Good and bad sliver breaker draw frame will cause good or bad yarn unevenness that will be produced, because breaker draw frame sliver is a series of sequences of cotton yarn manufacturing process. Yarn with a high unevenness value indicates that the yarn has many thick and thin spots in the cross section of the yarn. Yarn with a high unevenness value will cause the yarn to break in thin places, thus affecting production efficiency. For this reason, research was carried out on the breaker draw frame on process parameters that could cause high unevenness values.</em><em> </em><em>The study was conducted in a Drawing breaker machine using a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The factors studied were the top roller grinding frequency which consisted of a frequency of 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, 7 weeks and 8 weeks. Analysis of the data used to analyze the analysis of variance (Anova) one way. Because the expected sliver unevenness is as low as possible, the criterion used is that the smaller the better. </em><em>The experimental results show that the top roller grinding frequency every 4 weeks produces the lowest sliver unevenness value (µ %) which is 2.47.</em></p>Giyanto
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2024-11-302024-11-304213214010.33592/jimtek.v4i2.5045Penyakit Penerapan Metode Forward Chaining Untuk Sistem Pendeteksi Penyakit Kulit Pada Kucing Berbasis Java
<p>Kurangnya ketersediaan klinik hewan di daerah terpencil menyulitkan pemilik hewan untuk mendapatkan layanan kesehatan, khususnya dalam penanganan penyakit kulit pada kucing yang sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pendeteksi penyakit kulit pada kucing berbasis java dengan metode <em>forward chaining </em>yang dapat mendeteksi penyakit kulit pada kucing dan memberikan solusi pengobatan. Sistem ini dirancang untuk membantu pemilik kucing melakukan deteksi dini terhadap penyakit, sehingga dapat mengurangi risiko komplikasi lebih lanjut. Metode <em>forward chaining </em>digunakan untuk menelusuri gejala yang dialami oleh kucing dan memberikan diagnosa serta rekomendasi penanganan yang tepat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sistem pendeteksi yang dikembangkan mampu memberikan informasi yang cepat dan akurat, serta dapat menjadi alternatif bagi pemilik kucing yang tidak memiliki akses mudah ke dokter hewan. Sistem ini juga menawarkan kelebihan seperti tidak dipengaruhi kelelahan tidak memerlukan istirahat, dan dapat digunakan kapan saja dengan biaya yang lebih efisien dibandingkan konsultasi langsung dengan dokter hewan</p>Rima Putri WidianiDewi Driyani Fibria Anggraini Puji Lestari
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2024-11-302024-11-304214114810.33592/jimtek.v4i2.5295Perancangan Aplikasi Signature Electronic Dengan Qr-Code Pada Pt. Sankyu Indonesia Internasional
<p><em>In the digital era, information technology is transforming various aspects of life, including education and business. Electronic Signature (eSign) have become a significant innovation in document verification and authentication, offering time efficiency and reduced administrative costs. PT. Sankyu Indonesia Internasional faces challenges in document management with manual Signature s, such as loss, damage, and forgery. To address this, an eSign application integrated with QR-Code was designed. This solution speeds up verification, reduces the risk of forgery, and enhances document Security. QR-Code assists in quick identification and information access. Combining eSign with QR-Code in a web application simplifies administration and document management at PT. Sankyu Indonesia Internasional, improving efficiency and Security, while protecting document integrity. This research aims to develop an eSign application with QR-Code specifically for PT. Sankyu Indonesia Internasional, enhancing efficiency, Security, and ease of information access in the company’s document management, and supporting the application of information technology within the company.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: </em><em>administration, e-sign, </em><em>QR-Code, PT Sankyu</em></p>Bayu Restutomo HerjiwandonoSukisno SukisnoNia Komalasari
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2024-11-302024-11-304214918910.33592/jimtek.v4i2.7168Perancangan Digitalisasi Bimbingan Skripsi Jurusan Managemen Di Kampus F STIE Insan Pembangunan Berbasis Android
<p><em>Science and technology continues to develop in line with the changing times that enter the digital era. This affects all aspects of life, including education. Starting from the Covid-19 situation, the entire teaching and learning process from the PAUD level to the university level changed the method to an online system. However, in the incident in the field, there are several agencies that still use conventional methods. As in the STIE Insan Pembangunan Campus, the thesis guidance process is still done face-to-face. This is considered less effective and seems to waste a lot of time. Therefore we need an information system in the form of a computerized thesis guidance application based on Android to facilitate the guidance process. The method used in this research is User Centered Design (UCD) which places the client as the center of a system development process. Based on the results of the author's research, the application built makes it easier for students and lecturers to conduct thesis guidance and this system is efficient so that the guidance process can run conducively according to schedule. The author gives several suggestions, one of which is that the application must be integrated by the campus so that the management of the accounts contained in this system becomes easier and there is no data aberration.</em></p>Dani RamadhanNia KomalasariAsep Abdul Sofyan
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2024-11-302024-11-304219019910.33592/jimtek.v4i2.4783Perancangan Aplikasi Kasir Berbasis Mobile (Studi Kasus: Toko Edi Nias Pasar Induk Tanah Tinggi Tangerang)
<p>Toko Edi Nias sebuah toko yang bergerak di bidang jenis produk plastik, <em>wrapping</em> buah dan barang-barang kebutuhan sehari-hari, yang berlokasi di Pasar Induk Tanah Tinggi Kota Tangerang. sistem kasir di Toko Edi Nias masih menggunakan perhitungan manual. memperbarui sistem kasir di Toko Edi Nias dengan membuat aplikasi kasir <em>mobile</em> yang dapat digunakan kasir untuk memanajemen transaksi di toko edi nias, mengefisiensi pelayanan transaksi kepada konsumen, mempermudah perhitungan dan pencatatan informasi barang masuk dan keluar serta memantau stok yang tersedia, membuat pencataan pembukuan yang lebih tepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka kerja <em>java </em>dan Teknik metode <em>waterfall </em>dalam mengembangan perangkat perangkat lunak, dengan pengetesan sistem menggunakan <em>black box testing. </em>Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bisa membantu Toko untuk pengola data transaksi dan stok barang secara efektif dan efisien</p>Rejeki HiaSyahriani SyamSiti Muryanah
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2024-11-302024-11-304220020910.33592/jimtek.v4i2.7121Peminimalan nilai risiko terjadinya kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja dengan metode HIRADC (Hazard Identification Risk Assesment Determining Control) di PT XYZ
<p>Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja yakni suatu upaya mengelola risiko untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan yang tidak diinginkan secara komprehensif, terencana dan terstruktur dalam suatu kesisteman yang baik. Banyaknya hal yang berisiko pada proses produksi menimbulkan terjadinya kecelakaan da kerja, dan kurangnya kepedulian terhadap risiko terjadinya kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja membuat saya sebagai peneliti ingin meminimalkan risiko terjadinya kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan seperti observasi, wawancara serta menyebar data angket. Peneliti menggunakan metode HIRADC (<em>Hazard Identification Risk Assesment Determining Control</em>) untuk mengidentifikasi masalah, menilai risiko, lalu kemudian memberikan pengendaliannya guna meminimalisir nilai risiko. Mungkin ada banyak sekali metode yang bisa dipakai untuk menemukan solusi dari permasalahan yang ada pada peneleitian kali ini, akan tetapi saya menggunakan metode ini karena peneliti sedikit memahami metode ini. Setelah melakukan tahapan - tahapan penelitian tersebut yaitu proses identifikasi, penilaian risiko, dan memberikan pengendaliannya, ditemukanlah tujuan penelitian ini yaitu meminimalkan risiko terjadi kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja pada PT XYZ ini. kesimpulan yang pada penelitian kali ini adalah : terdapat potensi bahaya yang menyebabkan kecelakaan dan penyakit pada proses produksi karpet, dan metode HIRADC dapat meminimalkan risiko terjadinya kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja.</p>Asri NurhafsariSandi Kurniawan Sutresna Juhara
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