Pengacakan Soal Ujian Online Berbasis Web Menggunakan Algoritma Knuth Shuffle Pada SMK Gelora Jaya Nusantara Medan
Online Exam Application, Question Randomization, Knuth Shuffle, Web-basedAbstract
The exam is a form of evaluation of the learning process in order to measure the level of achievement of skills, character and intelligence of students, thus making the exam an important stage in the teaching and learning process. In the process of admitting new students, SMK Gelora Jaya Nusantara Medan still applies manual admission exams with a written system. This conventional exam results in a large enough budget required and the time for correcting exam results also takes a relatively long time. Utilization of computer technology or gadgets can support the implementation of exams for prospective students which is one of the needs at this time to improve services to prospective students and increase the credibility of the school itself. Although the exam process uses a computer device, in terms of the validity of the exam results, cheating practices still often occur during the exam process because the sequence of exam questions that appear or appear between one examinee and other examinees is still the same so that examinees can still see each other's answers. The purpose of this study is to design and build an online exam application and analyze the process of randomizing the order of exam questions with the Knuth Suffle algorithm approach on the web-based entrance exam application at SMK Gelora Jaya Nusantara Medan. The results and discussion of this study conclude that the online test application for new student admissions can help and facilitate the work of the exam executive committee in administering the exam as well as correcting exam results and the exam monitoring process becomes easier because the order of the questions that appear are randomized.
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