Pelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah
<p>Pelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah adalah jurnal hasil karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan LPPM Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf (UNIS) Tangerang . Jurnal ini dibuat sebagai wadah publikasi penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, untuk meningkatkan publikasi lokal dan nasional. Besar harapan kami dari hasil publikasi Jurnal PELITA dapat bermanfaat bagi kalangan akademik khususnya dan bagi masyarakat luas umumnya. PELITA is published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf Tangerang Publisher Address: Jl. Maulana Yusuf No.10 Babakan, Kecamatan Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, 15118 Banten Phone : 021-5527063 Fax: 021-5581068 Email :, P-ISSN: 1907-5693 E-ISSN: 2684-8856</p>UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SYEKH - YUSUF TANGERANGen-USPelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah1907-5693<p><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></p> <p><strong>Pelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah </strong>this site and metadata is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></p>Pre Penguatan Pembelajaran PPKn berbasis digital melalui media pembelajaran Albayan di SMP
<p><em>This study aims to uncover the challenges and opportunities related to the use of technology in Indonesian classrooms in the digital era, meaning that the digitalization of learning media in the world of education is increasingly evident, especially in strengthening digital-based PPKn learning through Albayan learning media in junior high schools.</em></p> <p><em>Through the use of qualitative methods from researchers, teachers, students, and the general public to obtain comprehensive findings. All contribute to the current state of technology integration, highlighting challenges related to access to technology and infrastructure.</em></p> <p><em>Presenting digital and providing appropriate professional development for educators is essential to realizing the full potential of technology to advance education in Indonesia. The placement of digital content and the development of an inclusive technology-based learning environment are important elements in preparing students for a future that is increasingly dependent on technology and it is hoped that one of the initiatives in the field of Citizenship Education is the use of digital learning materials.</em></p> <p><em>This includes educating themselves as independent, active, critical citizens who want to participate effectively in various community, political, and government activities at all levels (national and regional); Understanding how the government implements policies, procedures, and personal responsibilities to participate in the daily lives of people at all levels (local and national); Understanding, respecting, and upholding human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and nationalism in the context of community, state, and social life. Therefore, one of the efforts to achieve and achieve citizenship competency is to downstream the development of Civic Education science that can adapt to the development and needs of learning in the era of Albayan media digitalization in learning Civic Education.</em></p>wartonoRini Puji Susanti
Copyright (c) 2025 wartono, Rini Puji Susanti
<p>Cultural diversity is a distinctive characteristic of Indonesian society, which consists of various ethnicities, religions, races, and groups. The philosophy of Pancasila, as the nation's foundational ideology, functions to unite these differences into a harmonious whole. This article aims to explore how Pancasila values support social understanding and the formation of national identity within the framework of cultural diversity. Using a qualitative approach and literature review method, this article examines the role of Pancasila in maintaining harmony amidst diversity and its contribution to shaping an inclusive national identity. The study concludes that Pancasila plays a crucial role in strengthening the sense of unity in the midst of cultural plurality and contributes to the formation of a strong and harmonious national identity.</p>Muh. Khaedir HedirAina Nurdiyanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Khaedir Hedir, Aina Nurdiyanti
<p>Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a new type of virus found in humans in Wuhan Province, China at the end of 2019. Indonesia is one of the countries infected with the Covid-19 virus. The purpose of this study is to group the distribution of Covid-19 cases by village in Kemang-Bogor District by applying the K-Means method. The data used in this study is secondary data on the variables of the spread of Covid-19 from January to August 2021. The grouping was carried out based on the parameters of the number of confirmed positive cases, recovered, and died. In this study, to group the data, the K-Means method and the Euclidean distance measurement method were used. Based on the results of the study, it is shown that the K-Means Clustering method can be applied to group villages in Kemang-Bogor District with the optimal cluster located at k = 3 which means that the recommended cluster is 3 clusters with cluster 1 containing 6 villages, cluster 2 containing 1 village, and cluster 3 containing 2 villages.</p>Yuni Permata SariChoirul Basir
Copyright (c) 2025 Yuni Permata Sari
2025-02-042025-02-04242334510.33592/pelita.v24i2.5504 PARTISIPASI POLITIK PEREMPUAN DALAM PEMILU KADA 2024 DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG
<p>This study aims to analyze women's <strong><em>political participation</em></strong> and <strong><em>representation</em></strong> in the<em> </em><strong><em>2024 elections in Lampung Province</em></strong><em>.</em><strong><em> A qualitative descriptive methodology</em></strong> was used, focusing on literature from official sources, such as government agencies, NGOs, and research institutions. <strong><em>The theory of women's political participation</em></strong> highlights the importance of <strong><em>active involvement</em></strong><em> </em>in politics to achieve<strong> </strong><strong><em>gender equality</em></strong><em> </em>and ensure that women's interests are represented in <strong><em>public policy</em></strong><em>. </em>Conversely,<strong> </strong><strong><em>representative theory</em></strong><strong> </strong>by Hanna Pitkin emphasizes the need for alignment between <strong><em>societal demographics</em></strong><strong> </strong>and political representation. The findings indicate that <strong><em>women's representation</em></strong> in Lampung is <strong><em>stagnating</em></strong>, significantly below <strong><em>the national quota target,</em></strong> reflecting a stagnant participation trend that may decline if existing challenges are not addressed. Women's involvement in politics is also hindered by <strong><em>male dominance</em></strong> within<em> </em><strong><em>party structures.</em></strong><strong> </strong>Inhibiting factors include <strong><em>socio-cultural norms,</em></strong><em> </em>limited<em> </em><strong><em>access to education</em></strong> and <strong><em>political information,</em></strong> and a lack of <strong><em>opportunities and resources</em></strong><em>. </em>This research aims to enhance understanding of <strong><em>women's rights and roles </em></strong>in local politics and encourage their<strong><em> political engagement.</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong></p> <p><strong>Women's Political Participation, Women's Representation, Elections, Lampung</strong></p>SUCI LESTARIKiki Fitriani Ali Zein
Copyright (c) 2025 SUCI LESTARI, Kiki Fitriani Ali Zein
2025-02-042025-02-04242475910.33592/pelita.v24i2.5385Performance of MSMEs in Kesambi District Related to the Influence of Financial Literacy and Inclusion
<p>The aim of this research is to find out in depth the influence of financial literacy and inclusion on the performance of MSMEs in Kesambi District. This research uses quantitative methods by collecting data through questionnaires distributed to 100 MSMEs in the area. The sampling technique used in this research is probability sampling and saturated sampling, which allows the entire MSME population in Kesambi District to have the same opportunity to be selected as respondents. To analyze the collected data, the multiple linear regression method was used to see the relationship between financial literacy and inclusion and the performance of MSMEs in a comprehensive manner. The research results show that financial literacy and financial inclusion have a significant influence on the performance of MSMEs. Increasing financial literacy and better access to formal financial services can directly improve the performance of MSMEs in the region, with a positive impact on business growth and financial stability of MSME players. This research emphasizes the importance of financial factors in the success of small and medium enterprises, and highlights the need to increase understanding and utilization of financial services among MSME entrepreneurs. These results also underline the important role of financial inclusion in creating more equitable and sustainable economic opportunities for MSMEs in Kesambi District</p>Deny Hadi Siswanto
Copyright (c) 2025 Deny Hadi Siswanto
2025-02-042025-02-04242607010.33592/pelita.v24i2.5125The Impact of Machine Learning on Future Defense Strategies
<p>Machine learning (ML) is increasingly pivotal in shaping future defense strategies, offering advancements across critical domains such as cybersecurity, resource allocation, and autonomous systems. This research explores the multifaceted impact of ML in defense, focusing on three primary areas: enhancing threat detection and mitigation in cybersecurity, optimizing resource allocation and logistics in military operations, and navigating the ethical and strategic implications of autonomous defense systems. The study utilizes qualitative research methods, particularly through secondary data analysis from government reports, academic publications, industry white papers, and ethical frameworks. Findings indicate that ML algorithms significantly bolster threat detection by leveraging Anomaly Detection Theory and Game Theory, thereby enhancing responsiveness to cyber threats. In military logistics, ML models informed by Operations Research and Supply Chain Management Theory optimize resource distribution, improve operational efficiencies, and support mission readiness. Ethically, the deployment of ML in autonomous defense systems prompts considerations of moral responsibilities, biases, and strategic risks, necessitating comprehensive governance frameworks. In conclusion, while ML offers transformative potential in defense strategies, effective implementation requires robust ethical guidelines, strategic foresight, and interdisciplinary collaboration to mitigate risks and maximize benefits.</p>Aris Sarjito
Copyright (c) 2025 Aris Sarjito
<p>Hakekat dakwah Islam adalah ajakan atau seruan menuju jalan Allah<br>SWT, demi kebaikan dan kebenaran sesuai ajaran Al-Qur’an. Tujuan<br>pembuatan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetaui bagaimana seni sebagai<br>media dakwah dan untuk mengetahui peran seni dalam berdakwah.<br>Manfaat ratikel ini secara ilmiah yaitu dapat memperkaya khazanah<br>keilmuan dan menambah informasi tentang seni sebagai media dakwah.<br>Lalu manfaat praktisnya yaitu sebagai acuan dan motivasi bagi kaum<br>muslimin pada umumnya, bagi pembaca dan penulis pada khususnya<br>agar selalu tetap menjalankan dakwah untuk menyebar luaskan syariat<br>Islam. Seni adalah ekspresi yang bernuansa indah. Apakah itu ucapan<br>atau ungkapan, lukisan atau lisan, pendek kata dalam segala aspek<br>kehidupan. Dengan ilmu segalanya menjadi lebih mudah, dengan seni<br>segalanya menjadi lebih indah. Media dakwah adalah alat yang<br>digunakan untuk menyamp</p>imamudinRt Bai RohimahBayi TabraniSaepudin Saepudin
Copyright (c) 2025 imamudin
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of individual characteristics, job characteristics and organizational culture on the performance of employees of Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah Branch, Palembang. This type of research is quantitative. The data used is primary data. The population in this study were employees of Bank Sumsel Babel, Palembang Syariah Branch, totaling 35 respondents. Sampling in this research was carried out using saturated sampling techniques. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression and data processing was assisted by the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 application. The results of the study showed that individual characteristics and organizational culture had a significant effect on the performance of employees of the South Sumatra Babel Syariah Palembang Branch. Meanwhile, job characteristics do not have a significant effect on the performance of South Sumatra Babel Palembang Syariah Branch employees. Simultaneously individual characteristics, job characteristics and organizational culture have a significant effect on the performance of employees of the South Sumatra Babel Palembang Sharia Branch.</em></p>Muhammad Rizka Sya'banLemiyana LemiyanaMutmainah Juniawati
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Rizka Sya'ban
2025-02-042025-02-04242Analisis Praktik MBKM di Jepang: Telaah Kritis Terhadap Potensi, Problematik dan Keberlanjutannya dalam Membentuk Mahasiswa Indonesia yang Berkarakter Unggul dan Berwawasan Global
<p><em>Realitas program MBKM berupa praktik magang di Perusahaan Jepang belum optimal, dengan adanya problematik spesifik, seperti culture shock, sebatas seremonial, belum secara holistik memuat penguasaan bahasa asing, tidak bekelanjutan, sehingga kurang berdampak terhadap terbentuknya mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkarakter unggul dan berwawasan global, maka bersifat penting untuk diatasi. Mengingat program MBKM berupa praktik magang di Jepang, memiliki potensi positif, seperti penguatan karakter unggul dan wawasan global mahasiswa, selaku representasi atas kapasitas sumber daya manusia berkelas dunia, potensi akulturasi budaya Jepang dengan Indonesia, juga potensi keberlanjutan untuk kepentingan karier mahasiswa pasca lulus program MBKM di Perusahaan Jepang terkait berbasis kompetensi. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menganalisis praktik MBKM di Jepang: telaah kritis terhadap potensi, problematik dan keberlanjutannya dalam membentuk mahasiswa indonesia yang berkarakter unggul juga berwawasan global, berbasiskan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode grounded theory. Untuk memperkuat teori dan mengesampingkan atau menentang teori secara objektif, maka dilakukan analisis data, meliputi teknik reduksi, display, dan verifikasi selanjutnya validitas data. Riset ini menyatakan bahwa melalui program MBKM mampu </em><em>menjadi wahana strategis dalam transfer of knowledge, skills, disposition juga technology, yang memperkuat teori civic competence dan kerja sama Indonesia dan Jepang yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia agar berkelas dunia. Selain itu, juga mampu mengatasi realitas fenomena ageing population yang terjadi di Jepang, yang menyebabkan Jepang membutuhkan tenaga kerja asing atau tenaga migran yang kompeten demi keberlangsungan produktivitas, sehingga program MBKM memberikan dampak positif bagi Indonesia dan Jepang.</em></p>Dianni RisdaNoviyanti Aneros
Copyright (c) 2025 Dianni Risda, Noviyanti Aneros
<p><em>Sumber daya alam yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia sangat banyak tersedia di bumi ini. Baik sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaharui maupun sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Gas LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) merupakan salah satu hasil dari sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Peran LPG pada saat ini sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia, baik penggunaan untuk rumah tangga, maupun untuk pengusaha mikro kecil menengah. Gas LPG disamping harganya murah, cara penggunaannya juga lebih efektif. Namun, Gas LPG yang mulai banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat tidak sebanding dengan produsen tabung gas yang mengalami penurunan dalam segi kualitas, sehingga dapat menimbulkan bahaya yang disebabkan kurangnya pengawasan produk tabung gas. Terbukti dilapangan banyak ditemukan tabung gas yang rusak, mudah berkarat, penyok, sehingga sangat rawan terjadinya kebocoran gas LPG pada tabung gas tersebut. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, penelitian ini melakukan berbagai pengujian untuk menciptakan suatu prototype yang dapat menginformasikan bahwa terjadinya suatu kebocoran gas LPG, Metode yang digunakan meliputi perancangan elektrik dan sistematis. Tahapan yang dilakukan tahapan studi pustaka, kemudian perancangan rangkaian hardware maupun software dapat mengintegrasikan sistem dan pengujian serta analisa sistem. Mempertimbangkan teori-teori tersebut dan dapat mengetahui pemrograman mikrokontroler Arduino R3 ATMega, Sensor MQ-2, Lalu Buzzer dan LED sebagai indikator</em><em>.</em></p>djamaludinAsep Abdul SofyanHaryanto HaryantoM HilmanFauzi FauziNoval Triana
Copyright (c) 2024 djamaludin