Pelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah <p>Pelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah adalah jurnal hasil karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan LPPM Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf (UNIS) Tangerang . Jurnal ini dibuat sebagai wadah publikasi penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, untuk meningkatkan publikasi lokal dan nasional. Besar harapan kami dari hasil publikasi Jurnal PELITA dapat bermanfaat bagi kalangan akademik khususnya dan bagi masyarakat luas umumnya. PELITA is published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf Tangerang Publisher Address: Jl. Maulana Yusuf No.10 Babakan, Kecamatan Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, 15118 Banten Phone : 021-5527063 Fax: 021-5581068 Email :, P-ISSN: 1907-5693 E-ISSN: 2684-8856</p> en-US <p><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></p> <p><strong>Pelita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah&nbsp;</strong>this site and metadata&nbsp;is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></p> (lppm) (Taufik Hidayat) Sun, 31 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 CONTRIBUTION OF KICK SPEED, LIMB MUSCLE STRENGTH, EYE AND HAND COORDINATION TO THE ATTACK OF PENCAK SILAT ATHLETES <p>This research aims to 1) find out the effect of kick speed on the combination of attacks pencak silat sacred site Sumedang.; 2) knowing the impact of the strength of the limb muscles against the combination of attacks of Pencak Silat Sacred Site Sumedang; 3) know the influence exerted by the speed of kicks through eye and hand coordination against the combination of attacks of Pencak Silat Sacred Site Sumedang; 4) knowing the influence exerted by muscle strength through eye and hand coordination against the combination of attacks of Pencak Silat Sacred Site Sumedang; 5) know the influence exerted by kicking and leg muscle strength through eye and hand coordination against the combination of attacks pencak silat sacred site Sumedang.The research method used is quantitative research with an associative correlation approach. This research belongs to a type of quantitative research that uses Path Anaylisis techniques. The sample in this study was pencak Silat Young Athletes pencak Silat Holy Site Sumedang which numbered 64 people. The data taken in this study used primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained or taken directly by researchers through tests and measurements of variables contained in the study. Secondary data, is data obtained in the form of a list of athletes' names obtained from documents or archives. The data analysis technique used is to use Path analysis or path analysis. The results of the study found (1) There was a significant direct influence of kick speed on the coordination of punches and kicks pencak Silat Athletes Sacred Site Sumedang indicated with a coefficient r of 0.681, and the significance of the relationship of variable X1 with variable Y can be seen the value of t calculated by 2,113 &gt; with t table of 1,701. The results of the study found (1) There was a significant direct influence of kick speed on the coordination of punches and kicks pencak Silat Athletes Sacred Site Sumedang indicated with a coefficient r of 0.681, and the significance of the relationship of variable X1 with variable Y can be seen the value of t calculated by 2,113 &gt; with t table of 1,701.&nbsp;The direct influence of the strength of the limb muscles on the coordination of punches and kicks of Pencak Silat Athletes of The Sacred Site of Sumedang is 42.40%. (3) There is a significant direct influence of eye coordination on the coordination of punches and kicks of Pencak Silat Athletes of The Holy Site of Sumedang indicated by a coefficient of r of 0.664, and the significance of the relationship of variable X3 with variable Y can be seen the value of t calculated by 1.997 &gt; with t table of 1.701. The large influence of eye coordination on the coordination of punches and kicks of Pencak Silat Athletes of The Sacred Site of Sumedang is 54.70%. &nbsp;</p> Willy Fitra Mahardika Copyright (c) 2024 Willy Fitra Mahardika Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RELATIONSHIP OF IQ MOTIVATION AND CONFIDENCE IN LEARNING OUTCOMES <p>This study aims to find out whether there is a relationship between IQ motivation and student confidence alone and together the learning outcomes of students of class VIII junior high school Al amah Cimanggung. The research method used is Quantitative Descriptive, a population of 125 students from all students of class VIII al amah Cimanggung junior high school. Data taken for free variables and bound them using questionnaires.&nbsp;The data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics, correlations and regressions at a significance level of 5%.&nbsp;The results of the study of class VIII Junior High School Al amah Cimanggung found (1) a positive and significant relationship between motivation to learning outcomes is indicated by a coefficient of r of 0.572, and the significance of the relationship of variable X1 with variable Y can be seen the value of t calculated by 31,464 &gt; with t table (n-2) of 2,048, and the large increase in motivation every 1 point then the learning outcome increases by 0.298.. (2) The existence of a positive and significant relationship between IQ and student learning achievement is indicated by a coefficient of r of 0.515 and the significance of the relationship of variable X2 with variable Y can be seen the value of t calculated by 33,788 &gt; with t table (n-2) of 2.048, and the magnitude of the increase in IQ every 1 point then the learning outcome of the generator increased by 0.219.&nbsp;(3) The existence of a positive and significant relationship between student confidence and student learning outcomes is indicated by a coefficient r of 0.552, and the significance of the relationship of variable X3 with variable Y can be seen the value of t calculated by 34,952 &gt; with t table (n-2) of 2,028, and the large increase in confidence every 1 point then the learning outcome increases by 0.221.(4) The existence of a positive and significant relationship between student motivation and IQ with student learning outcomes is indicated by a double correlation coefficient of r_y12 of 0.692 and the significance of the relationship of variables X1 and X2 with variable Y can be seen the value of F calculated by 27,368 &gt; with F table (n-2) of 2.98, and a large increase in motivation and IQ every 1 point then the learning results of the generator increased by 0.248 and 0.171.(5) The existence of a positive and significant relationship between student motivation and confidence with learning outcomes is indicated by a double coefficient of r_y12 of 0.533 and the significance of the variable relationship X1 and X3 with variable Y can be seen the value of F calculated by 15,426 &gt; with F table (n-2) of 2.98, and a large increase in motivation and confidence every 1 point then the learning results of the generator increased by 0.253 and 0.185. (6) The existence of a positive and significant relationship between IQ and student confidence with learning outcomes is indicated by a double coefficient of r_y12 of 0.454 and the significance of the relationship of variables X2 and X3 with variable Y can be seen the value of F calculated by 11,204 &gt; with F table (n-2) of 2.98, and a large increase in IQ and confidence every 1 point then the learning results of the generator increased by 0.170 and 0.180. (7) The existence of a positive and significant relationship between motivation, IQ and student confidence with learning outcomes is indicated by a double coefficient of r_y12 of 0.620 and the significance of variable relationships X1, X2 and X3 with variable Y can be seen the value of F calculated by 14,143 &gt; with F table (n-2) of 2.98, and great increase in motivation, IQ and confidence every 1 point then the learning outcome increases by 0.221, 0.133 and 0.158.</p> Irvan Albarkah Hilmana Copyright (c) 2024 Irvan Albarkah Hilmana Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF WEIGHT TRAINING THROUGH CIRCUIT TRAINING METHODS AND SUPER SETS ON WEIGHT LOSS AND FAT PERCENTAGE IN EKA GYM SPORT CENTER MEMBERS <p>This study aims to find out the effect of Weight Training Through Circuit Training Methods and Super Set On Weight Loss and Fat Percentage In Eka Gym Sport Center Members. This research is a pre-experiment with the research design used, namely pretest-posttest. The results show that:(1) Exercise using circuit weight training methods has an effect on body weight before and after using the circuit weight training method by 9% and the percentage of fat before and after using the circuit weight training method by 36%. (2) Exercise using the super set method has an effect on body weight before and after using the super set method by 6% and the percentage of fat before and after using the super set method by 21%.(3) Circuit weight training method is more effective than the super set method for weight loss and fat percentage. This is evidenced by the percentage value in weight loss between circuit weight training method with super set method of 9% greater than 6% and the percentage value of fat percentage reduction between circuit weight training method with super set method of 36% greater than 21%.</p> Faizal Eka Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 Faizal Eka Nugraha Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of Students’ Interest and Self-Regulated Learning on Their Learning Achievement in Online Mathematics Learning <p>Students’ learning achievement cannot be separated from their interest and self-regulated learning. This research aims to analyze the effect of students’ interest and self-regulated learning on their learning achievement in online mathematics learning. The design used in this study is a survey research design with a quantitative approach and descriptive correlational method. The research subjects involved in this study were 30 grade-IX students in one of junior high schools in the city of Bandung, who were selected by using cluster random sampling techniques. Research data were collected through questionnaire, tests, and interviews. Questionnaires are used to obtain data on students’ interest and their self-regulated learning, tests are used to obtain data on students’ learning outcomes, whereas interviews are used to support and strengthen the results of the questionnaire. Data analysis in this study uses regression analysis which requires the fulfillment of the classical assumption test. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the students’ learning interest has a significant effect on their learning achievement in online mathematics learning; (2) the students’ self-regulated learning has no significant effect on their learning achievement in online mathematics learning; and (3) the students’ learning interest and their self-regulated learning have a significant effect on their learning achievement in online mathematics learning.</p> Fajar Tirtayasa, Yaya S Kusumah, Suhendra Suhendra Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Tirtayasa, Yaya S Kusumah, Suhendra Suhendra Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF ABC RUNNING AND CIRCUIT TRAINNING ON INCREASING 100M SPRINT RUN ACHIEVEMENT ON AMTC PANGALENGAN ATHLETICS <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large XcVN5d tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Every sprint athlete is required to have excellent anaerobic ability, because anaerobic is one of the most important components in athletics, especially short running numbers such as the 100m-200m-400m number, according to the facts in the field, it was found that their 100m running performance was still low. looks quite low which can be seen from the lack of technique, strength and speed when doing the 100m run, such as when the athlete does the 100m run the leg position is still not lifted and the frequency of the foot is still not fast, the athlete's hand position is also still less attractive or less long. when swinging and the body position is too straight so that during the exercise the athlete cannot get a good time. In the process of solving this research problem, the researcher used a quasi-experimental method with a two-group pretest-posttest design. According to Endang Mulyatiningsih (2013: 96) this two-group pretest-posttest experimental design has 2 data from the measurement results, namely pretest (O1) and posttest (O2). The data analysis technique chosen is of course the two sample t-test. Only one hypothesis was tested, namely there was a difference between the mean pretest and posttest mean values. This two-group pretest-posttest research design compares the two methods of ABC Running and Circuit Training. The sample used in this study was AMTC Pangalengan which was taken randomly as many as 40 samples from 80 samples, after getting the sample the researchers divided into 2 groups, each group consisting of 20 samples, from each group given ABC Running and Circuit Training Tritmen. A did the ABC Running Exercise treatment and for group B did the Circuit Training Exercise, after each group was given the treatment it was found that the ABC Running Exercise method had a very significant effect than the Circuit Trainning Exercise method on Sprint running performance.</span></pre> Jefriagustinus Marulitua Sirumapea Copyright (c) 2024 Jefriagustinus Marulitua Sirumapea Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP OF SELF-EFFICIENCY INTEREST AND LEARNING MOTIVATION WITH LEARNING OUTCOMES OF PJOK SMP NEGERI 2 CIMANGGUNG <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large XcVN5d tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">The background of this research is related to the problem of low student learning outcomes in PJOK subjects. This is due to the lack of self-efficacy, low interest and learning motivation of students so that their learning outcomes become less. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy, interest and learning motivation with PJOK learning outcomes. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1) Is there a relationship between self-efficacy and PJOK learning outcomes. (2) Is there a relationship of interest with PJOK learning outcomes. (3) Is there a relationship between learning motivation and PJOK learning outcomes? (4) How big is the relationship between self-efficacy, interest and motivation to learn with PJOK learning outcomes together. Respondents involved in this study were students of SMP Negeri 2 Cimanggung with a total of 82 students who were taken based on probability sampling technique; simple random sampling. Data collection techniques used by using questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is the product moment correlation technique and multiple correlation analysis using self-efficacy variables (X1), interest (X2) motivation (X2) as the independent variable and the dependent variable learning outcomes (Y). The results showed that (1) there was a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and PJOK learning outcomes, where rcount was 0.348, while rtable with N=82 at the 5% significance level was 0.176, so rcount was greater than rtable (0.348 &gt; 0.176 ). (2) there is a positive and significant relationship between interest and PJOK learning outcomes, where rcount is 0.348, while rtable with N=82 at the 5% significance level is 0.176, so rcount is greater than rtable (0.348 &gt; 0.176). (3) there is a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and CHD learning outcomes, where rcount is 0.348, while rtable with N=82 at the 5% significance level is 0.176, so rcount is greater than rtable (0.348 &gt; 0.176). (4) there is a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy, interest and motivation to learn with PJOK learning outcomes, where rcount is 0.348, while rtable with N=82 at 5% significance level is 0.176, so rcount is greater than rtable (0.348 &gt; 0.176).</span></pre> Riski 789 Copyright (c) 2024 Riski 789 Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Solving HOTS Type Of Story Problem Based on Watson's Error Categories <p><em>This study aims to identify and describe student's error on solving Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) type of story problems based on Watson's error categories and their causes. The causes of student's mistakes are traced by referring to the modified didactic triangle, namely the Didactic Relationship (student-material), Pedagogical Relationship (student-teacher) and the Didactic-Pedagogical Anticipation Relationship (teacher-material). This study is a descriptive research especially case study with qualitative approach. Data collection was done by triangulation using test, interviews and documentation. The result of data analysis showed that all of Watson's error categories appeared in solving HOTS type of story problems. It caused by problems in Didactical Relationship, Pedagogical Relationship and Didactic-Pedagogical Anticipation Relationship.</em></p> Teddy Septian R Copyright (c) 2024 Teddy Septian R Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Spatial Behaviour of Setiabudi District Communities in Choosing Location for Shopping the Primary Needs <p>It is well acknowledged that Setiabudi district dominates the market in South Jakarta. Based on the quality of service, market in general is classified into either traditional or modern market. As a matter of fact, every people have their own distinctive behaviour in making a decision, especially in choosing where to shop for their primary needs. The primary needs taken as the object of this research are food and clothing. The objective of this research is to analyse the spatial behaviour of Setiabudi district communities in choosing where to shop for their primary needs based on the characteristics of behaviour (cognitive, affective, conative) and shopping location. In this research, the data collection technique used is an in-depth interview with informants and the analysis methods used are spatial and qualitative analysis. The result of this research shows that, in deciding where to shop for their daily needs of food preparation, most of the population tend to choose the traditional market as their shopping location, because of the affective factor where they feel that the destined shopping location is closer to their residential area or near to their workplace. Meanwhile, in deciding where to shop for clothing, most of the population tend to choose the modern market as their shopping location, because of the affective factor where they feel comfortable with the choice and quality of the clothing in the destined shopping location.&nbsp;</p> Irfan Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 Irfan Maulana Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Relationship Between Creativity and Islamic Learning Outcomes at SMKN 5, Tangerang Regency <p>Analysis of Islamic religious learning outcomes in SMKN 5, Tangerang Regency. "This study aims to "analyze the relationship between creativity and Islamic learning outcomes."This research was conducted to students of SMKN 5 Tangerang Regency. The sample was taken by simple random sampling (sampling random sampling) by taking 30 students from 3 class XI, amounting to 90. "The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method with the technique" correlation. The independent variable (X) is creativity and the dependent variable "(Y) is the result of learning Islam. "The data obtained were analyzed first with the normality test using the lilliefors test, then the correlation coefficient test and the significance coefficient correlation test." = 0.40. Furthermore, calculating the significance of the coefficient with the t-student test obtained thit = 2.52 (ttab = 2.05) so that the conclusion is there is a relationship between creativity with the learning outcomes of Islamic religion.</p> Syafa'at Ariful Huda Copyright (c) 2024 Syafa'at Ariful Huda Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OPTIMIZATION OF TEACHER'S PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE AS A MEANS OF STRENGTHENING STUDENT CHARACTER THROUGH LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT SDN TUIS II TANGERANG REGENCY <p>Competence is the ability to a task, skills, attitudes, and all activities needed to support a success. Through optimizing pedagogic competence, it is hoped that teachers will be able to build an optimal learning experience by making a learning process a means of strengthening character through these learning activities. The purpose of this study was to determine how the process of strengthening student character through the implementation of teacher pedagogic competence and how the results of optimizing and implementing teacher pedagogic competence on student character. In the implementation of this research using qualitative methods with descriptive research type. The data collection method used in this study uses the method of observation and interviews. Furthermore, data reduction, data presentation and verification are carried out as steps in data analysis techniques. From the results of the study, it was found that the results of optimizing and implementing the teacher's pedagogical competence on the student's character were good where students experienced changes in receiving material from the teacher, students understood more and started to apply good character, students were more orderly during learning activities, and students showed a sense of obedience against school rules.</p> Jati Purnama Achmad, Euis Rahmawati, Reksa Adya Pribadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jati Purnama Achmad, Euis Rahmawati, Reksa Adya Pribadi Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700