Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Kompetensi Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Tata Usaha Di Sub Rayon 6 SMK Kabupaten Tangerang
Each school strives to improve the quality of the performance of Administrative Staff (TU) so that the results of information and data are presented effectively and efficiently. Competence and training on proper and proper performance of TU personnel. The purpose of this research is to find out (1). Culture^work (2). Competence*(3). Training performance of TU personnel in Sub-Rayon 6 SMK Tangerang Regency. The research population was 52 people, consisting of 27 school staff from TU Sub Rayon 6, then 32 people were taken as samples. This research method uses quantitative methods, namely: (1). Organizational culture has no effect on performance, (2). Competence has a positive effect on performance, (3). Training has an effect on performance, (4). Organizational Culture, Competence and Training on Performance. Thus, it can be concluded that Organizational Culture, Competence and Training play a role and motivate TU personnel to improve performance.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Competence, Training, Performance