Law enforcement for traffic violations through the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) system in Tangerang City is based on the occurrence of illegal fees (Pungli) on fines for ticketing between police officers and violating motorists, namely the settlement mechanism process does not comply with established procedures. Then the community is increasingly ignoring the existence of police officers, because after the implementation of ETLE, the police are not allowed to give tickets manually and only give verbal warnings to motorists who violate them. These things made the Tangerang City Metro Police collaborate with the Tangerang City Government to create an Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) system in which motorists who violate traffic in Tangerang City can be monitored and monitored from ETLE camera recordings installed at several points. corner of the road around the Legal area of the Tangerang City Metro Police. This CCTV footage serves as legal and convincing evidence to ticket motorists who violate traffic. Which has been regulated in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (UULAJ). In article 272 of the UULAJ it states that "to support violation enforcement activities in the field of Traffic and Road Transportation, electronic equipment can be used" with the aim of knowing how to enforce the law against ETLE traffic violations at the Tangerang City Metro Police and to find out what obstacles the Polres are experiencing. Metro Tangerang City in enforcing the law on ETLE violations and as a solution in enforcing the law on ETLE violations at the Tangerang City Police. This research is categorized as a qualitative research and a type of empirical juridical research because this research is to examine facts that occur in the field with descriptive analysis techniques with data collection methods through interviews, documentation and observation so that conclusions can be drawn that can be scientifically justified. The theoretical basis of reference to the Enforcement Theory. The results of law enforcement in ETLE violations have been running smoothly and need to be improved again and the only obstacles that occur are the lack of supervision from officers in the field and the limitations of the ETLE cameras themselves which cannot reach all roads which are points prone to violations.