Kata Kunci:
Restorative Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Tindak PidanaAbstrak
Restorative justice is the concept of settling a criminal case in a non-litigation manner. The resolution can be in the form of deliberations involving victims, perpetrators, families of victims and perpetrators, the investigation team, the community and other parties involved in a criminal act that occurred to reach an agreement and settlement. However, in reality in the Tangerang City area the application of restorative justice is still little used by the community. In imposing sanctions on children who are in conflict with the law, it is still found that the application of prison sanctions to children as perpetrators of crimes is still found. Children are the nation's future assets and the nation's next generation, so children have the right to survival and obtain legal protection. At present juvenile delinquency has entered into criminal behavior committed by children, thus making children face the law. With the existence of cases of juvenile delinquency (juvenile delinquency) that occur in society, then the settlement of cases can be done with a restorative justice approach. This should have been done so that the psychology of children who are dealing with the law is not disturbed. Based on the problems that occur, the research method is carried out through research specifications that are descriptive analysis in nature, namely describing existing problems with a normative juridical approach by applying existing laws and regulations. Restorative justice is commonly used in juvenile cases where the judicial process is regulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. It can be concluded that the implementation of restorative justice/diversion in resolving cases of children in conflict with the law is a form of solution for resolving child cases through deliberations involving the parties concerned in order to recover losses that have been caused through sanctions in the form of compensation.