Kata Kunci:
Persepsi, Masyarakat Madura, Vaksin Covid-19Abstrak
The number of cases of Covid-19 has increased from December 2019 to 2022. Many sufferers have recovered, but also died. This cannot be allowed to remain for too long because the impact will greatly affect people's lives physically, socially, economically and politically. The government is working on a vaccine as an effort to provide immunity to healthy people so they don't get infected with Covid-19. The public may not all be able to accept the policy of giving the vaccine, therefore it is necessary to explore first how the Madurese community's perception of the vaccine is. This study aims to determine the perception of the Madurese community towards the provision of covid-19 vaccination. This research is a descriptive study with simple random sampling using a questionnaire using google form and the number of samples obtained is 113 people. The results of this research survey showed bad perception (26.54%), sufficient perception (61.94%), and good perception (6.32%). Conclusions in this study the results showed that from 12 statements, 5 statements were responded negatively by respondents. Factors that can influence the public's perception of COVID-19 vaccination are age, gender, last education, occupation, and area of ​​domicile. The results of the study on the perception of COVID-19 vaccination in the community in Madura were the most widely perceived. While bad perceptions were obtained as much as 6.32%, negative attitudes and bad perceptions in the community towards the COVID-19 vaccine were the most significant factors in the refusal to receive the vaccine.