Simulasi PhET; Pembelajaran Fisika; Berpikir Kritis; Society 5.0Abstract
Since the birth of industry 4.0, almost all aspects of life have been projected onto the virtual world or the internet. Then followed again with society 5.0 which was initiated by the Japanese government. One of the SDGs goals that must be realized is the existence of quality education. Not a few teachers have difficulty in teaching during online learning. This is proven by learning at a school in West Sumatra which often only uses WhatsApp groups. The main point of the problem is that teachers or students do not master technology and learning that requires experiments in the laboratory cannot be done, especially physics. One of the effective efforts made by teachers to overcome these problems is to use appropriate learning models with the help of PhET simulation to improve students' critical thinking skills in the era of society 5.0. The analysis was carried out by collecting five national articles. The selected article category is based on the use of PhET Simulation in physics learning to improve critical thinking skills of high school/vocational high school students. The use of gallery walk, generative, inquiry, and quantum learning models assisted by PhET Simulation in physics learning has an effect on increasing students' critical thinking skills.
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