Etika Publikasi

Publication Ethics

Abdi Pandawa: Journal of Community Service is a peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syekh- Yusuf Islamic University (UNIS), Tangerang. In the process of publication, the ethical behavior should be comprehended and complied by all parties in Abdi Pandawa: Journal of Community Service. All parties in the publication process include the chief editor, the editorial board, reviewers, and authors. In essence, the journal publication of Abdi Pandawa adheres to the Regulation of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) No. 5 dated 2014 regarding Publication Ethics.

Peer Review Process

  1. The articles submissions are processed through website.
  2. Submitted article should address to the focus and scope determined.
  3. Submitted article will be reviewed by the Editorial Board. Then, it, articles that comply with Abdi Pandawa standard writing criteria, will be forwarded to reviewers.
  4. Rejected Article will be returned to the author without being forwarded to reviewers.
  5. After reviewing process, if there are any revisions, articles will be sent back to the author.
  6. After making revision, authors have to re-submit the articles based on the notes, comments and feedback of the reviewers.
  7. Another reviewed will be informed later after the resubmission.
  8. After the process of substantial review, there are three kind of information that will be shared such as articles can be accepted for publication, accepted with some revision or rejected article.
  9. Accepted and Rejected articles are decided by the Chief Editor. It is based on the result of review and suggestion from reviewers and the editorial board.
  1. Duties of Editors
  • Editors determine and arrange the identity of journal publication; the currents issues discussed needed by readers, volume and number of publication, listed article submitted, etc.
  • Editors manage the flow of publication process to run well,
  • Editors of the Abdi Pandawa are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. 
  • Editors publish the eligible submitted article in the journal regularly,
  • Editors prepare and implement the process of publishing articles in the highest quality,
  • Editors maintain the authors’ integrity and their academic track records.
  • Editors facilitate the submit corrections, sharing the important information, clarifications, withdrawals, etc.
  • Editors encourage the author to conduct revision in creating the highest quality of articles and fit for publication.
  • Editors should be objective in assessing the opinion,
  • Editors should have an open-mind in accepting new views or ideas to improve the journal publication and avoid the conflict.
  • Editors conduct the publication assessment regularly such as review the effect of publication policies for the author or reviewer and revise the policies, if it is needed, to enhance the quality of journal publication and avoid error.
  1. Duties of Authors
  • Authors ensure that their submitted articles enroll the standard writing criteria and Abdi Pandawa Manuscript Template.
  • The listed Authors contribute in arranging their article. They contribute significantly in each stage of the research. It starts from planning, drafting, analyzing and interpreting data, revising and finalizing the manuscript. The authors also have the responsibility to ensure scientific integrity of the articles.
  • In arranging the person’s name as an authors should be discussed early to prevent disputes.
  • Authors ensure that the submitted article for publication is original. They conduct and arrange their own research articles.
  • Authors ensure that the submitted article for publication have never been published anywhere in any language, and it is not in the process of being submitted to another publisher.
  • After the process of reviewing, authors must edit their manuscript and resubmit the revision result based on the feedback and assessment of reviewers.
  • It should be a notification informed to editor, if the authors intend to withdraw their manuscript.
  1. Duties of Reviewers
  • Reviewers have the responsibility to review, check and submit the result of review to editors in determining the eligible articles for publication.
  • In the process of peer-review, the reviewer should follow the editor’ orders. It should be the communication between editor and reviewer in avoiding review works directly or indirectly involve themselves.
  • Reviewers maintain the privacy of authors by not disseminating the results of review, including suggestions and recommendations.
  • Reviewers encourage the author to revise their manuscript in good quality.
  • Before determining accepted and rejected article, reviewers consider the articles related to their scope of expertise and whether they have sufficient time to review the article before the deadline.
  • Reviewers revise the submitted articles based on predetermined standard of scientific research writing criteria.
  • Reviewers identify the reasons of the rejected articles objectively.
  • Reviewers provide the feedback or input to the accepted articles for revision objectively based on predetermined standard.
  • Reviewers summarize the reviewed articles by providing specific comments and suggestions. It includes the layout and format of the writing, title, abstract, introduction, graphics, methods, statistical errors, results, discussions / conclusions, language and references. Then, if they find any submitted manuscript suspicious, they should tell the editors directly
  • Reviewers explain in detail the reasons of articles are accepted, rejected, or accepted with some revision.