Imagery and Theme on the Two Poems (Hanging Fire and the Waking)


  • Yani Octafia Universitas Pamulang
  • Shandi Noris


This research in entitled “Imagery and Theme on the Two Poems (Hanging Fire and The Waking)â€. The researcher has deeply interest to do study to two poems above to expose the imagery and theme in each poem. Because of this research we can more understand the poem and get the real meaning that the poet tries to picture. The poem entitled “Hanging Fire and The Waking†is employed to illustrate problems. In this research, the researcher analyzes imagery and theme based on their context and intention of the speakers in using them. The researcher formulated two major problems in the study, those are; (1) what kinds of imagery can be found in the two poems, and  (2) what are themes can be found in the two. The method that the researcher uses in this research is descriptive qualitative, As with the use of the theory, however the amount of literature varies by type of qualitative design. The researcher used a descriptive research method and the data in this study were described descriptively based on the factswhile the researcher uses the theory about narrative poetry, imagery and theme from Robert DiYanni, Waluyo, Pradopo,etc.. After completing this researcher and put in written form, the researcher comes to conclusion that the two poems above have same major meaning that is about social and private life of human.

Key words: Imagery, narrative poetry,  theme




How to Cite

Octafia, Y., & Noris, S. (2023). Imagery and Theme on the Two Poems (Hanging Fire and the Waking). Foremost Journal (Foreign Language Models, Studies, and Research Publication), 4(1), 63–75. Retrieved from