The Role of TOEFL Preparation Courses in Improving Test Score


  • Hafizah Rifiyanti Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kosgoro 1957
  • Dyah Utami Dewi Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kosgoro 1957
  • Febryano Manggala Putra Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kosgoro 1957


TOEFL, test, preparation, proficiency, course


The study analyses the implementation of TOEFL Preparation and provides conclusions and suggestions to improve participants' ability to face the TOEFL test. In the study, 40 participants participated in the implementation of TOEFL preparation courses which consisted of three parts, namely listening, structure, and reading. The analysis results showed that the average TOEFL score of the participants was 448, with the highest score reaching 540 and the lowest score of 376. Although the average score met the minimum requirements at IBIK 57 Campus, there were participants who did not reach the standard. Suggestions included individual coaching, increased listening practice, strengthened knowledge of grammar and structure, reading comprehension strategies, as well as encouragement for self-study and use of additional resources.




How to Cite

Rifiyanti, H., Dewi, D. U., & Putra, F. M. (2023). The Role of TOEFL Preparation Courses in Improving Test Score. Foremost Journal (Foreign Language Models, Studies, and Research Publication), 4(2), 99–104. Retrieved from