Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Non PNS Menggunakan Geolocation Berbasis Mobile Pada Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Tangerang
It does not feel the development of mobile phone technology so fast, mobile phones that were originally only used as a communication tool can now be more than that. One form of the advancement of smartphone technology used is an android-based attendance system, Since the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 which made the majority of WFH workers, this is where the mobile attendance system began to be implemented and popular. Attendance is an activity or routine carried out by employees to prove that the employee is present or not at work. Population and Civil Registration Office of Tangerang Regency One of the agencies located on Jalan H. Somawinata Kadu Agung, Tigaraksa, the Population and Civil Registration Office has 60 civil servants and 119 non-civil servants. One of the assessments in employee performance is absenteeism. The Population and Civil Registration Office of Tangerang Regency currently has not optimized the attendance system for non-civil servants effectively and still uses manual methods such as using printed sheets of paper for non-civil servant employees. The implementation of a mobile-based Non-Civil Servant Attendance Application at the Population and Civil Registration Office is expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness in managing the absence of Non-Civil Servants and can increase discipline and honesty towards employees.